Mr. Always Write, Exclamation Points

If someone tells you that punctuation doesn’t really matter, or they try to downplay its importance, please share this article with them. Immediately!

There’s No Need to Yell

Did you catch that subtle point I just made or were you too caught up in wondering what you did to deserve being yelled at by someone you’ve probably never met before because of my choice of punctuation? Exactly.

Look, punctuation is a wonderful thing. If used effectively and in moderation. As is the case with most facets of life, balance is essential. The other (and, frankly, more important) factor at play is a proper understanding of something before attempting to illustrate that you have one.

In short: Only use punctuation when you know how to.

Despite my extreme way of illustrating this point, that’s not my full takeaway. I do feel there is merit to its use in a number of cases and scenarios. It’s essentially at times. However, this is more so about where this public service announcement is being directed. And, in that case, it’s targeted straight towards those who, more often than not, feel the need to end every thought, opinion, and comment with what appears to be as much enthusiasm as possible. It’s so unjustifiable in most cases.

So, to those who feel the excessive desire to replace every period with an exclamation point, pay attention!

Reasons to Limit It’s Use

  • You dilute the point.
  • It comes across as yelling.
  • Sincere excitement will be overshadowed.
  • Its impact lessens with each use.
  • It’s annoying.

When It’s Right to Rely On

  • Congratulating someone (when it’s actually worth a congratulation).
  • Genuine excitement (and not from someone who claims to always have it).
  • Yelling or conveying anger (when it just simply needs to come across that way).

Enough said? So, stop. Now!

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Freelance thinker, paying too much attention to aesthetics. Oxford comma enthusiast. Spider-Man supporter. Sports fan, with two favourite hockey teams. #GirlDad